Thursday, 31 January 2013



Writing case scene
  • small wooden table, two chairs, period 1960's black leather writing case 
  • documents, photos, letters, telegrams and other props from dressing table scene
  • pearl necklace wrapped in antique lace handkerchief
  • gun hidden in pink satin jewellery pocket
  • criminal lawyer (Gary) in suit with name badge and ID
  • son (Gaby) faces lawyer across table and opens case to examine his mother's secrets
  • use lights to achieve balanced light levels
  • ask actor (son) to pause and handle photo/ documents to achieve CU of key photo
Thank you to Louis Blackeney for his successful work in recovering footage that was wiped.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013


Wedding ring scene
Using a back cloth to control the reflection in the mirror
Over the shoulder shot

Gaby using the Canon D550
Mid shot of actor putting on pearl necklace
Adjusting the lights
Garry with back cloth to prevent unwanted reflections
Mid shoot: going well!
Team work: Charlie with back cloth
  • dressing table and mirror
  • mid shot of young woman (Jenny) alone trying on pearl necklace
  • over the shoulder, reflection in mirror
  • use back cloth to obscure unwanted parts of set
  • use lights to achieve balanced light levels with warmth
  • ask actor to pause and handle pearl as she gazes into mirror

Sunday, 27 January 2013


This is an example of a professional shot list which you can use as a model for our own productions. Each group should make their own and start to complete it so that you know who is in each shot, how the camera moves and what sound / voice-over accompanies each shot.
Shot list by Howard Myers

Thursday, 24 January 2013


Editing the sequence about the ivory being discovered
As you research, plan, film edit and organize, or make decisions and revisions, remember to add an entry in your Production Log. A photo or screenshot of the event, list, email, FaceBook message (or whatever) makes your Log clear and convincing. 

For example, here are photos of what you have been doing this week for you to include with written explanations.
Filming a live sequence created in iMovie

Tuesday, 22 January 2013


You need to keep up the pace with your filming as you must both finish the editing and write up a PowerPoint Evaluation for this unit. As you go, take photos for your Production Log, as this group did today.

RESEARCH: ScoopIt! research tool

Today you all look back on your research into thriller codes and conventions and format your research using the online presentational tool ScoopIt! which I have modeled HERE:OPEN THIS LINK
I expect each group to make a second ScoopIt! that collates research into their specific film.  
Create a 'cover' for your female agent
  • Blood Ivory will collate their press cuttings about about ivory seizures at airports, the threat to wild life, international guidelines about ivory poaching, films or TV documentaries about poaching, books about poaching and so on
  • Immortal Beloved will collect their evidence on spy/espionage films, jewellery thefts, pearl necklaces, stories about famous international agents, Washington's Spy Museum VISIT IT HERE female agents